As a local business, we understand the pros and cons of the business meeting. Some love them, and some dread them. Ok, let’s be honest. Most dread them. But what if they could be made better with a little specialized technology?

It’s a growing trend to see aspects of artificial intelligence and social media come together to make efficient, real-world solutions to common problems in the workplace and business world. For many, the biggest problem we face is that, in a world where we’re all connected via the Internet and endless servers and IP addresses, we still can’t get collaboration down without in-person meetings and sessions. Is there a solution? The answer is yes.

Many prominent geek bloggers have mentioned the application of artificial intelligence to be perfect for solving the collaboration problem, but none have pinpointed exactly how. We know the fundamental issue is the speed of communication, documentation, and delegating workflow without physical contact. A recent study led by Cisco surveyed thousands of corporate employees about their thoughts on various workflow and team-oriented softwares and technologies. It’s a very valuable bit of research to apply toward how we can use artificial intelligence to solve the ongoing problem of business meeting dread.

94 percent of respondents said they hated meetings. That, of course, is the best indicator that we’re dealing with a pressing and real-world problem. This is because negative attitudes or perceptions of something often kill productivity and creativity in a meeting setting. Plus, it often creates a situation of nervousness, where many procrastinate preparing for meetings and thus make them less productive than they could be. The study also showed about half of those polled thought meetings were too long, and scheduling them was the biggest turn-off to having regular meetings. Experts suggest the only way artificial intelligence could improve meeting productivity is by essentially being intelligent enough to turn the meeting-time frowns upside down. If there’s a way for AI to shorten work timelines and therefore alleviate stress or continue to complete everyday tasks during meeting hours, this would be a big step toward allowing innovators to be fully present during meeting times, which the survey showed, most workers are not. Over half said they split their attention during meetings to continue with the day’s tasks, due to pressure for increased production.

Our job at Rocky Mountain Computer Specialists is to create a better user experience for individuals and businesses using the technology at hand in the business world. We love keeping up with industry innovations and tracking trends, and the future of AI is sure to affect all of us. Give us a call for a quote on our computer maintenance services.