Professional IT Service in Denver Colorado

In today’s fast-paced world, you need to stay connected.  When your computer, or even worse, your office network goes down, this is more than just a wrench in your productivity. In some cases, this can cost you hundreds if not thousands of dollars in lost revenue. At...

Alexa’s Coolest Skills for 2018

Let us take a guess. One of your family members jumped on the bandwagon for Amazon’s Echo and Echo Dot products and either got you or themselves their very own talking mini-computer. Whether you think the Echo is groundbreaking or downright creepy, it was one of the...

What the Heck is the Cloud, Anyway?

Many of us use it, but not many truly understand what it is. Cloud storage, also known as a form of device-to-device data sharing, is a common way to alleviate hardware storage issues, particularly in the realm of smartphones. It started as an experiment in saving and...