What the Heck is the Cloud, Anyway?

Many of us use it, but not many truly understand what it is. Cloud storage, also known as a form of device-to-device data sharing, is a common way to alleviate hardware storage issues, particularly in the realm of smartphones. It started as an experiment in saving and...

Can AI Make Meetings Better?

As a local business, we understand the pros and cons of the business meeting. Some love them, and some dread them. Ok, let’s be honest. Most dread them. But what if they could be made better with a little specialized technology? It’s a growing trend to see aspects of...

The Best Hardware Out There – For Now

Unfortunately, today’s technology is built for what’s called planned obsolescence. That essentially means the hardware and software that debuts this week may easily be replaced within a matter of months, putting consumers in a position of feeling behind the curve even...